Ghaggar River

The Ghaggar River and its tributaries caused havoc after reclaiming their floodplains in Haryana.

Ghaggar River

  • Ghaggar River is an intermittent river that flows in India and Pakistan. The river flows only during the monsoon season.
  • The river is known as Ghaggar before the Ottu barrage and as Hakra downstream of the barrage in the Thar Desert. In pre-Harappan times the Ghaggar was a tributary of the Sutlej.
  • The Hakra, which flows in Pakistan, is the continuation of the Ghaggar River in India and they are together called the Ghaggar – Hakra River.


  • It rises from the Shivalik Range of northwestern Himachal Pradesh. The river then flows through Pinjore in Haryana to meet River Saraswati.
  • After passing through Ambala and Hissar districts of Haryana, it disappears into the Thar Desert in Rajasthan.
  • Just southwest of Sirsa it feeds two irrigation canals that extend into Rajasthan state


  • The Ghaggar and many of its tributaries originate in the Shivalik foothills of Haryana, Punjab and Chandigarh.
  • Among these tributaries, the Kaushalya, Tangri, Markanda, Beghna and Sukhna rivers are the ones that merge into the Ghaggar.

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