Shuchi Tripathy

Ratnagiri’s pre-historic rock art (Barsu-Solgaon area)

What’s the News? 01/01/2023 Concern over proposed mega oil refinery in Barsu village, Maharashtra may damage nearby prehistoric geoglyphs. Ratnagiri’s pre-historic rock art (Barsu-Solgaon area) These are spread across Konkan cost line of Maharashtra and Goa, spanning around 900 km. These sites, situated in the Konkan region, were included in the tentative list of UNESCO’s …

Ratnagiri’s pre-historic rock art (Barsu-Solgaon area) Read More »

The G7 Climate and Environment Ministers’ meeting in Sapporo, Japan has been concluded

What the News? 04/21/2023 The G20 countries pledged to reduce fossils fules faster and urged other to follow suit, but failed to agree on any new guidelines on ending polluting power sources like coal.   Key outcomes of the G7 Climate and Environment Ministers meeting Acceleration of renewable energy: The countries agreed to accelerate solar …

The G7 Climate and Environment Ministers’ meeting in Sapporo, Japan has been concluded Read More »

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