What is Common Grass Yellow?


For the first time, a large-scale migration of Common Grass Yellow was observed during the three-day butterfly survey which concluded at the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR).


Common Grass Yellow (Eurema hecabe)

  • It is a small pierid butterfly species found in Asia, Africa and Australia. They are found flying close to the ground and are found in open grass and scrub habitats.
  • It is simply known as “the grass yellow” in parts of its range; the general term otherwise refers to the entire genus Eurema.
  • It perches on the underside of leaves to elude both the hot sun and the rain. This is a migratory species. Although they dislike forests, they can be seen in lit up forest paths with herbaceous flowers. It is commonly distributed throughout the country, but the number is quite low in the highest hills.
  • They have vibrant yellow wings that can range from a sultry sulfur shade to a lush lemon yellow, shifting with the seasons and their location. This is known as ‘seasonal polyphenism’.
  • There is a black, broad, irregular outer marking on the forewing. The underside of the wing has various black marks with a yellow centre.

Conservation Status

  • IUCN Red List: Least Concern
  • This species is not legally protected in India under any schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.

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