Kashmir willow

Kashmir willow

Context: The Kashmir bat industry, centred around bats made from Kashmir willow, has gained significant attention in recent years, both nationally and internationally.


Kashmir willow (Salix alba var. caerulea)

  • Primarily cultivated in the Kashmir region of India is a deciduous tree that grows up to 30 meters (98 feet) tall with slender trunks and a narrow, conical canopy.
  • They are predominantly found in the northern temperate regions and are valued for various purposes including ornamentation, erosion control, shade provision, and timber production.
  • The wood from these trees is known for its lightweight yet sturdy nature, making it particularly suitable for crafting cricket bats.
  • Kashmir willow cricket bats are popular among players, especially at amateur and entry-level professional levels, due to their affordability and decent performance characteristics
  • Willows are known for their extensive fibrous root system and their ability to form symbiotic associations with mycorrhizal fungi.
  • These trees are tolerant to flooding and can flourish in saturated soils with limited oxygen in the root zone. Willows are efficient in accumulating high levels of toxic metals, especially Cadmium (Cd).

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