Standing Committee on Economic Statistics

The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has replaced the Standing Committee on Economic Statistics (SCES) with a Standing Committee on Statistics (SCos).

Key Points

  • It will now be called the Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) and its renewed objective is to review the existing data framework and address issues related to all surveys.
  • The order was issued by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) on July 13.

What is Standing Committee on Economic Statistics (SCES)?

  • Set up in late 2019 was tasked with examining economic indicators pertaining to the industrial sector, the services sector, and the labour force statistics.
  • Their purview was limited to datasets like the Periodic Labour Force Survey, the Annual Survey of Industries, the Index of Industrial Production and the Economic Census
  • It was chaired by the Chief Statistician of India (CSI) and had 27 members from various ministries, departments, agencies and academic institutions.
  • The SCES was mandated to submit its report by June 2020, but it could not do so due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other issues.

Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS)

  • The SCoS has a broader mandate to review the framework and results of all surveys conducted under the aegis of the National Statistical Office (NSO).
  • The SCoS is mandated with enhanced terms of reference to ensure more coverage in comparison to the SCES.
  • The committee has 10 official members, and 4 non-official members who are eminent academics.
  • The panel can have up to 16 members, as per the order issued by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementatior (MoSPI).
  • It will review and monitor the statistical activities of all the ministries and departments and will advise them on improving the quality, coverage, timeliness and credibility of official statistics.
  • The SCoS will also coordinate with the National Statistical Commission (NSC), which is the apex body for setting policies and standards for statistical systems in lndia.
  • The National Statistical Commission (NSC) of India is an autonomous body which formed in 2000 under the recommendation of Rangarajan Commission.
  • SCoS identifies data gaps in official statistics and develops strategies to fillthose gaps.

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