History Optional Demo

Optional has a very dynamic role in securing better score in Mains. Choosing the right optional is therefore must!! 
Why choose History? 

History is one of the most popular optional subjects among the aspirants of UPSC. A big part of the GS syllabus in the Prelims and Mains overlap with History. 

Although the syllabus of history is vast, yet it is widely chosen subject as optional by many. 

If one start his history optional preparation right away even before the prelims, it will help definitely going to cover the entire syllabus for GS, Prelims, and Optional papers successfully

About the Course

History Optional Course for UPSC Mains by eminent faculty Saurabh Sir has been specially designed for those students who are preparing for the UPSC Civil 

This course is for those students who are going to appear in Mains Examination this year or are preparing for the next year. 

The complete syllabus prescribed for the Mains Examination will be covered from basic to advance clearing major concepts both critically abd analytically.

After this course a serious aspirant would be in a position to score 330 – 350 marks out of the total 500 i easily. 

  • High quality Study Material and Class notes based on ‘ ‘New Approaches’ will be provided to the students.
  • Weekly doubt session will bee there to clear all the doubts. 
  • Also session will be conducted for enhancing quality skills of Answer Writing of students.
  •  Simulated Tests will be conducted on the pattern of UPSC Mains Examination to carry forward answer writing skills of aspirant and learn to bear the pressure of writing answer in Exam Hall.
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